





Step 1: カートに入っている商品の、商品コード、写真、色、商品名、単価、個数、小計を確認して下さい。

Step 2: お客様情報、配送先を入力してください。※印は必須事項です。

Step 3: 支払い方法とお届け時間の指定をして下さい。

Step 4: ご入力内容の最終確認をして、「Place Order」をクリックして下さい。

「Place Order」をクリックすると注文が確定されます。







Eureka! studioでは、ヤマト運輸の代引きサービスにて配送しております。商品到着時に配達員へお支払い下さい。料金は、商品代金の他に送料、代引き手数料がかかります。












商品代金  サービス手数料(税込)

1万円未満  315円

~3万円未満  420円

~10万円未満 630円

~30万円未満 1050円






このプライバシーポリシーにおいて、「個人情報」とは、個人に関する情報であり、 当ウェブサイトでは、その情報に含まれる氏名、住所、電話番号、Eメールアドレス、ご注文内容、その他の記述、又は個人別に付与された番号、 記号その他の符号によりその個人を識別できるものをいいます。



1. 弊社が個人情報を収集または利用する目的は以下のとおりです。

(1) 弊社とお客様との間で、商品売買に関する連絡および配送のため

(2) その他弊社の経営方針もしくは営業戦略の策定・改善を目的とした調査・検討を行うため

(3) 弊社からのニュースレター配信のため




1. 弊社は、下記2(個人情報保護法23条に定める以下の場合)に該当する場合を除き、お客様の同意なく個人情報を第三者に開示することはありません。

2. 弊社は、以下の場合には個人情報を第三者に開示することがあります。



(3)国の機関もしくは地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力すること その他公共の利益のために特に必要があると弊社が判断した場合




1. お客様は、弊社所定の手続きにより、以下の請求を行うことができます。



2. 弊社は、前項(2)の個人情報の訂正または削除の可否を決定した場合には、遅滞なく、当該お客様に通知します

3. これらの請求を行いたい場合には、問い合わせページ、あるいは会社概要の連絡先へ連絡してください。



不当なアクセスによる個人情報の紛失、破壊、改ざん、漏洩などのリスクに対して、合理的かつ厳正な安全対策を講じておりますが、 以下の事由など弊社の責に帰すべからざる事由を原因とする個人情報の紛失、破壊、改ざん、漏洩などに関しては、 弊社では責任を負いかねますので、ご注意ください。

















販売業者: Eureka! Studio (ユリーカ! スタジオ)

運営責任者: クレイグ ヤマシタ

所在地: 〒150-0053 東京都(Tokyo)渋谷区代々木1-40-12-301

メールアドレス: store@eurekastudio.jp

URL: www.eurekastudio.jp/shop

商品以外の必要代金: 配送料・代引き手数料

注文方法: 主にカートを含む注文フォーム、確認Eメールで取引いたします。 詳細は、ご注文方法のページからご確認下さい。

支払方法: 代引配送(ヤマト運輸コレクトサービス) クレジットカード可能です。








Ordering and Shipping details

Shopping Cart

After finding the product you would like to purchase, select the appropriate size, color and click the Add to Cart button. The selected product is now added to your Shopping Cart. After you are finished shopping, click on the Go to Checkout to confirm your order.


Order Confirmation

Step 1: Confirm the contents of your Shopping cart including product name, product number, desired size and color, and unit price.

Step 2: Complete the customer information area and delivery address. * indicates required information.

Step 3: Indicate your preferred payment option area and desired delivery time.

Step 4: Final order confirmation. Please check all contents carefully, and once confirmed, click Place Order. After Place Order has been clicked, we consider your order to be a valid request, and we will proceed to the fulfillment process.


Confirmation E-Mail

Upon receipt of your order, we will send a confirmation of the order contents and amount due upon delivery. The confirmation e-mail will be sent from [store@eurekastudio.jp] to the e-mail address registered at the time of your order. Please check the contents and if you should have any questions, please contact us.


Shipping, Delivery and Payment

Eureka! Studio uses Yamato Transport (Kuroneko) and its Daibiki service to deliver our products to our customers, and to handle the settlement of charges.

Upon delivery of your order, please pay the delivery person the amount due. (cash, credit cards only). The total amount will be cost of the products, plus sales tax, shipping charge, and daibiki handling charges.

8% Sales tax is included in the cost of the products purchased.


Shipping charges are based on package size and distance to the delivery address. Please confirm shipping rates on the Yamato Transport website: http://www.kuronekoyamato.co.jp/english/support/size_rates.html.

The size of the package will depend on your order, basically 1 or 2 items will fall under Yamato’s (60 size). Sweatshirts, long sleeve tees and large quantities are bulkier, and may require a larger box.At the time of your order, the shipping charges are calculated using Yamato’s 60 size. If your order requires a larger box, we will notify you of the adjusted rates by e-mail. Eureka! Studio will do its utmost to ensure the lowest possible shipping charges for our customers.


Daibiki Handling charges are based on the amount of the purchase.

Purchase Amount  Daibiki Handling Charge

Under 10,000 yen  315 yen

10,000 to 29,999 yen  420 yen

30,000 to 99,999 yen  630 yen

100,000 to 299,999 yen  1050 yen


Delivery rates apply to addresses within Japan only. We are unable at this time to make international deliveries, however, we are planning to offer this service in the near future.



Privacy Policy

Personal Information

Personal Information where stated in our Privacy Policy applies to the personal information of the customers of the Eureka! Studio website. Personal information includes: Customer name, address, phone number, e-mail address, order contents and order related information. Customers grant Eureka! Studio the right to use and store this information for our purposes.


Purpose of Collecting and Storing Personal Information

Personal Information of our customers are collected and stored by Eureka! Studio for the following purposes:

1. To record and ensure delivery of purchases made.

2. For administrative and bookkeeping purposes, and for use in improvement of Eureka! Studios business strategies and decisions.

3. For distribution of Eureka! Studios newsletter and/or promotional materials.


Sharing and Disclosing of Personal Information

Disclosure of Personal Information to third parties: Eureka! Studios does not and will not disclose customers personal information solicited by third parties except under the following circumstances.

1. Disclosure of information is required by law as it pertains to a legal matter.

2. Disclosure of information is judged by Eureka! Studio necessary to protect the life, limb or property of an individual.

3. Disclosure of information is judged by Eureka! Studio necessary for government agencies, regional bodies and sales representatives of Eureka! Studio products to accomplish and complete tasks required by law.

4. Disclosure of information is judged by Eureka! Studio necessary to maintain of the rights of our firm and our customer.


Revising and Deleting Personal Information

1. Customers can request confirmation and revision or deletion of Personal Information according to the following.

a) Request for confirmation of existence and or accuracy of customers Personal Information in our possession

b) Request for correction to customers Personal Information. Also request for deletion of all customers Personal Information in our possession.

2. Eureka! Studio will perform all requests for correction or deletion of Personal Information in a prompt and timely manner.

3. Please direct all inquiries regarding Personal Information through our Contact Us page.



Eureka! Studios takes precautions to protect all Personal Information from loss or leakage, damage, or falsification of data through unauthorized access, however, will not be held responsible if data loss, leakage, damage or falsification occurs under the following circumstances.

1. Any person who discloses their Personal Information using Internet Café equipment, or anyplace where access to the internet is unrestricted.

2. Any person who discloses their Personal Information while accessing any website other than Eureka! Studio.

3. Data loss, leakage, damage or falsification through the computer terminal under control of the customer. Additionally, and source under the control of the password of the customer.

4. Any mistake in the e-mail address keystroke input by the customer for any and all forms on the Eureka! Studio website. (Please carefully check all input while filling out forms. A confirmation mail will be sent to the e-mail address shown on the order form. In the case of a mistake in the e-mail address, the confirmation mail will be sent to that address.)


Changes to the Privacy Policy

1. Eureka! Studio reserves the right to make changes to its Privacy Policy at any time, and is not required to notify customers of any changes.

2. Changes made to the Privacy Policy will take effect upon the time of publishing to the website



Please direct all inquiries through the Contact Us page, or through the information listed below.


Company Overview

Name of Seller: Eureka! Studio
Representative: Craig Yamashita
Address: 1-40-12-301 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Specifics of Business Transaction System


■Cost of Items :

Appears in each product information area.


■Ordering method:

Shopping cart method, online order form and confirmation e-mail. Details on the Ordering and Shipping page


■Payment method :

Yamato Transport Daibiki Collect service. Credit card transactions are under consideration


■Delivery areas :

Presently within Japan only. International delivery capabilities are under consideration.


■Delivery Charges:

Delivery rates are dependent on distance and size of package. Please check the details on the Ordering and Shipping page.


■Product Exchange :

Only products that meet our quality standards are sent out. If for some reason, the products arrive damaged, or stained, or is not the product ordered, we will replace the item with an item of the same design, color and size. Please check our Exchange Policy page for details.